How to See Your Someone Else's Google Ads Account Structure

What if I told you that it's possible to find out how other advertisers have set up their Google Ads accounts? This includes some of the top brands in the world and even your competitor that's right down the street. In this article we're going to explore some easy steps for seeing how other advertisers’ accounts are actually set up. And no, you won't need any hacking skills to do this! The information comes from the advertisers themselves, and it's right there in plain sight.

Why Should You Know About Other Advertisers' Account Structures?

Before diving into the how-to, let’s address the why. Knowing how other advertisers structure their Google Ads accounts can provide you with invaluable insights:

  • Benchmarking: Compare your account structures with top performers.

  • Cost Efficiency: Identify potential areas where you might be overspending.

  • Campaign Optimization: Learn new strategies to enhance your existing campaigns.

Al right, if you're curious and ready to delve into the nitty-gritty of examining other Google Ads accounts, let's get started!

Be Considerate

Before we get into the steps, this method might lead to some clicks on businesses or advertisers' ads where the user doesn't intend to make a purchase. So, my recommendation is not to abuse this process, but rather be very strategic with it.

Step-by-Step Guide to Uncover Google Ads Account Structures

Step 1: Search for Keywords

When you're using Google search, type in keywords that will trigger ads related to those keywords at the top of the search results page. For example, suppose you are looking into Type in relevant keywords (like "customized water bottle") into Google.

water bottle search on google

Step 2: Click on an Advertisement

Find an advertisement from your chosen competitor in the search results. In this case, has an ad with the headline "Customized Water Bottle, Free Shipping and Handling, 24 Hours Production."

Step 3: Analyze the URL Parameters

Once you click on the ad, you’ll be directed to a landing page. At the top of your browser, in the address bar, you’ll see the landing page URL along with additional parameters.

Look for parameters starting with UTM (Urchin Tracking Module).

These parameters reveal valuable information, such as the source (utm_source), campaign name (utm_campaign), and other dimensions.

Step 4: Use AI Tools for Easy Analysis

Copy the URL with these parameters and use an AI tool to decode the information. Here's how you can do it using Google Gemini:

Tell me the campaign name, ad group name, and any other information based on this URL parameter.

Input the entire URL you copied.

ai tool screenshot

The AI will then generate a table with well-structured data, including the utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_term, and utm_content. This makes it easy to interpret the information without sifting through endless characters.

Step 5: Cross-Reference Keywords

Use competitive research tools like SpyFu to identify other keywords targeted by your competitor. Input the domain (, and check the paid keyword section to get a list of keywords.

screenshot from spyfu

Step 6: Use Google Ads Transparency Center

If you don’t have access to premium tools like SpyFu, Google Ads Transparency Center is another way to find advertisements.

google ads transparency center

Many advertisers include targeted keywords in their ad headlines, giving you valuable insights into their keyword strategy.

Step 7: Organize Your Findings

Compile all the URL parameters from various keywords into a single document. This could be a Google Doc, a Microsoft Word document, or a Google Sheet.

You can even upload this document back into AI tools for further analysis. The aim is to organize the information in a way that helps you understand the overall structure of the competitor’s Google Ads account.

Once organized, the AI can help you visualize the data more effectively, giving you a clear understanding of your competitor's strategy.


Utilizing these steps, you'll be able to get a behind-the-scenes look at how other advertisers set up their Google Ads accounts. Whether you're a new advertiser or a seasoned one looking for ways to improve, these insights can be incredibly valuable.

And now that we’ve completed these steps, consider giving back to the advertising website. Start shopping for some of their products to not just waste their ad spend but also to acknowledge the value you’ve gained.

Key Takeaways

  • Always Be Considerate: Don’t misuse the clicks on other people’s ads.

  • Use AI Tools: Simplifies the process of decoding URL parameters.

  • Leverage Competitive Tools: SpyFu and Google Ads Transparency Center provide comprehensive keyword data.

Remember, understanding the structure of successful Google Ads accounts can give you a competitive edge!

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