Why Your Performance Max Campaign Isn't Getting Clicks pay per click advertising Apr 22, 2023

Are you struggling to get clicks on your Google Ads Performance Max campaign? You're not alone. Many advertisers face this challenge when first starting out in Google Ads, especially with...

How to Use Location Targeting in Google Ads to Reach the Right Customers pay per click advertising Apr 13, 2023

Location targeting is a crucial element of maximizing your Google Ads budget. You have to ensure that your ads are seen by the people most likely to convert!

How to Show Ads in A Specific Location...

Google Performance Max 101: The Basics pay per click advertising Feb 23, 2023

If you run a Google Ads account, you've probably heard or seen information about Google's Performance Max campaigns. There's a lot of information out there, and it can be confusing trying to make...

Performance Max Audience Signals - Do They Work? pay per click advertising Feb 15, 2023

If you’re a small business owner who wants to make the most of their performance max campaigns, understanding audience signals is key.

What Are Audience Signals?

Audience signals are data...

Keywords vs Search Terms pay per click advertising Jan 09, 2023

As a business that advertises through PPC, you may have heard the terms “keywords” and “search terms.” But what’s the difference between them?

Understanding the...

Spy on Your Competitors in Google Ads pay per click advertising Jan 09, 2023

If you want to stay ahead of the competition and create better ads, it helps to know what your competitors are doing. Thankfully, there’s a way for you to see all the advertisements your...

How to Get Cheap Clicks in Google Ads pay per click advertising Jan 09, 2023

Getting in front of your target market is essential for any business, and Google Ads is one of the best ways to do that. But what if you're looking for the cheapest clicks possible? Is that really...

Standard vs Smart Shopping vs Performance Max pay per click advertising Jan 05, 2023

As an ecommerce business, it is essential to list your products on Google. In the 2000s, Google allowed businesses to submit their products to Google, and in return, Google would actually show...

How to Advertise on a Specific Website (Using Google Display Ads) pay per click advertising Jan 05, 2023

Are you tired of wasting part of your monthly ad budget on junk traffic? What if you could advertise directly on the websites your ideal customers visit regularly? It's possible with Google Ads'...

Asset Groups vs Listing Groups in Google Performance Max pay per click advertising Jan 03, 2023

When creating a Performance Max campaign in Google Ads, two key terms that you will see are “asset groups” and “listing groups“. So, what’s the difference between the...

Maximize Conversion Value Bidding in Google Ads pay per click advertising Jan 03, 2023

Maximize Conversion Value bidding was introduced by Google in 2019. It's a form of smart bidding that uses machine learning to automatically set bids with the goal of generating the highest...

Secret Google Ads Performance Max Tips pay per click advertising Jan 02, 2023

Are you ready to take your Google Performance Max campaigns to new heights? In this article, we'll explore the latest strategies and best practices to help you unlock the true potential of this...

Create Better Image Assets in Google Performance Max pay per click advertising Jan 02, 2023

When you advertise in Google Ads, you want great results. Image Assets inside of Google Ads can make a HUGE difference in the performance of your campaigns.

Best Practices According to Google


Stop Junk Traffic & Spam Conversions in Google Ads pay per click advertising Jan 02, 2023

Spending all that money on Google Ads can be a waste if you’re not careful!

Over 27% of the traffic on the internet is from non-human bots, according to research, so it’s...

Facebook Advantage+ vs Google Performance Max pay per click advertising Jan 02, 2023

Which campaign type is best for you? Advantage+ from Facebook or Performance Max from Google Ads?

In this article, we’ll take a look at the features of each and help you decide which is the...

Turn Google Performance Max Back Into Smart Shopping pay per click advertising Jan 02, 2023

If you’re feeling frustrated that your Smart Shopping campaign didn’t quite meet your expectations, don’t worry – all is not lost! In this video, we’ll show you how...

Auto-Apply Recommendations: What You Need to Know pay per click advertising Jan 02, 2023

Google recently announced a new Auto-Apply Recommendations feature for Google Ads accounts. This allows Google to automatically make changes to your campaigns based on their recommendations. While...

Finding Your Google Ads Campaign Sweet Spot pay per click advertising Jan 01, 2023

Google Ads has come a long way from its early days of purely manual bidding (the name of the platform was Google AdWords). Now with automation and machine learning, Google aims to help you hit...

Defend Your Brand Name in PPC pay per click advertising Jan 01, 2023

Have you ever Googled your own company name only to see a competitor appear above you in the paid search results?

This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if that competitor is snagging...

Broad vs Phrase vs Exact Match pay per click advertising Dec 31, 2022

When it comes to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Google, you have three options for your keywords: broad match, phrase match, or exact match. So, what combination works best? For most...

Write Google Ads Headlines that Convert pay per click advertising Dec 31, 2022

Headlines are important—not just in Google ads, but in all areas of marketing and advertising. A headline is often the first thing that a potential customer sees, so it is important to make...

What Is a Good CPC (Cost per Click) For Your Business? pay per click advertising Dec 30, 2022

Figuring out your CPC (cost-per-click) can be a little tricky, but it’s an essential part of setting up your eCommerce advertising account. You want to make sure you aren’t wasting any...

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